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I always seemed to have an interest in dancing ever since I was a kid. However, I started slacking off as I grew older and stopped dancing for a while. I decided to start dancing again by delivering a cultural performance for International day with my friends on October 19, 2019. When my friends and I had the idea, I was terrified to dance in front of the whole school but decided to take a challenge and give it my all up there. This is a new experience for me because I got out of my comfort zone by starting to dance in front of a crowd rather than dancing on my own. After the performance was over, I recall my other friends telling us how great we performed, and I guess that was the moment I felt so proud of what we did and proud of us not backing out and delivering not just a performance for other people to watch, but for us to be more confident which will also seem to benefit us in the future. 

Learning outcomes: Developing confidence to dance in front of the entire school, learning to manage time by going for constant practices, learning to collaborate and compromise with peers to create the dance steps, Staying committed to the timings and steps (no backing out once you're in). 

- Identify own strengths and develop areas of growth (1)

- Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences (4)

IB Learner Profile: Risk-taker, Open-minded




I have never in my life been kayaking and on top of that being afraid of the ocean. During the October break holiday, my family and I traveled to Krabi and decided to create wondrous memories. I was afraid to go deep into the ocean because we can never clearly see what's in there. Therefore, I decided since it would be something I wouldn't regret and something I could look back to and be satisfied with myself for getting over my biggest fear. We got on the kayaking boat, and went deep past the rock for about an hour, paddling away feeling as if I was in control. I got over my fear of the water and swam with fish as well, and now I'm definitely looking forward to doing it again and not being afraid to try new things. It was unquestionably a challenge but learning from it, it was a great memory and experience to look back on 

CAS learning outcomes: 

- Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively 




On November 10th, 2019, I went on a trip to Bang Saen, Thailand to help the Greenhawks club in cleaning all the unnecessary trash on the beach. It was extremely hot and our toes were burning but it was all worth it in the end. A few schools such as Wells International School, Concordian, and Berkely came together in helping to save our environment even if it was only for a few hours and only for parts of the beach. We managed to collect a variety of different sizes of trash and separated them later on. It was a challenge since it was smack in the middle of the day with the heat on our feet and faces as we were also struggling to find small trash around the sand. It was definitely beneficial for the environment because we helped some turtles and fish since the high tide would've taken this small trash in and would trick the fish and turtle into eating them. I personally think that I showed discipline in myself for doing such a great cause for the environment that made me feel beneficial about myself as well. 

CAS Learning outcomes: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance, recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions. 



During December 7-9, 2019, members in the k9 club decided to create a trip for specific people inside the club allowing other wells students to join as well. This trip was called the CHSAThai K9 trip that took place in Saraburi for two days. There were tasks assigned for each group where some had to help prepare the soil and remove weeds to plant beautiful Brazilian pea plants like grass, some needed to dig and place bottles of vinegar and chili into the soil to discourage dogs away from that area that the Brazilian pea plants would be planted preventing the dogs from ruining it, some were assigned to pruning bougainvillea trees for a lot of brooms next season, some were assigned to take pictures and make videos, and lastly, all of us together were assigned to build the dog clay house together! Each of these tasks was assigned to groups then groups were allowed to switch their tasks depending on the time. When we all reached the shelter, even though I love dogs, I have to admit, it was pretty terrifying seeing hundreds of big dogs behind one cage. I figured, I already came all the way here, and they are just dogs after all! So I went inside, and it wasn't as scary as I was perceiving it to be, making me feel like a risk-taker. After a while, I decided to take pictures of the dogs because I already tried all the tasks and instead of repeating it again, I wanted to try something new. I think that this was very fun personally, because I love dogs and I love photography, and capturing these moments felt fascinating. The camera I used to take pictures was the Canon 70D 50mm fl.4 lens. 

Learning Outcomes

- Demonstrate that new challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process. 

- Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.



CHSAThai K9 Service Trip


I joined a boxing school at gateway ekamai called fitfac muay thai. I would go everyday as my package was per month. It would be 1 hour and 30 minutes of full on workout and it was honestly super fun but exhausting at the same time. The first thirty minutes would consist of running as a warmup, following with the next thirty minutes of boxing with numerous trainers, then the next thirty minutes would be using workout equipments to lost weight and workout effectively. Overall, this helped me lose some weight, kill a lot of free time, and be more productive as a whole. After I would complete my boxing class and head home, I would feel fresh, happy, and productive for pushing myself to go to many of these classes. 

CAS learning outcome: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process, Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences 


During December 7-9, 2019, members in the k9 club decided to create a trip for specific people inside the club allowing other wells students to join as well. This trip was called the CHSAThai K9 trip that took place in Saraburi for two days. There were tasks assigned for each group where some had to help prepare the soil and remove weeds to plant beautiful Brazilian pea plants like grass, some needed to dig and place bottles of vinegar and chili into the soil to discourage dogs away from that area that the Brazilian pea plants would be planted preventing the dogs from ruining it, some were assigned to pruning bougainvillea trees for a lot of brooms next season, some were assigned to take pictures and make videos, and lastly, all of us together were assigned to build the dog clay house together! Each of these tasks was assigned to groups then groups were allowed to switch their tasks depending on the time. When we all reached the shelter, even though I love dogs, I have to admit, it was pretty terrifying seeing hundreds of big dogs behind one cage. I figured, I already came all the way here, and they are just dogs after all! So I went inside, and it wasn't as scary as I was perceiving it to be, making me feel like a risk-taker. After a while, I decided to take pictures of the dogs because I already tried all the tasks and instead of repeating it again, I wanted to try something new. I think that this was very fun personally, because I love dogs and I love photography, and capturing these moments felt fascinating. The camera I used to take pictures was the Canon 70D 50mm fl.4 lens. 

Learning Outcomes: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience, show commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences




Designing CAS t shirts with my friend and selling them around the school with my friend. This was super fun to do as it was a new learning experience as ive never designed shirts before. It was like managing a business and it was so fun to do!

Learning Outcomes: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience, show commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences

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