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Dancing has always been a huge passion for me and I always loved choreographing and performing. This was an Indian event in Emquartier called Bollywood Bazaar in which there were many performances and booths. It was held on October 10th, 2020. When I  first heard about the upcoming event, I instantly thought that I wanted to dance as I had relatives who were dancing as well. I immediately contacted them and told them that I wanted to dance. I was extremely nervous about it at first but while I was performing it was exciting and fun for me. I think it was a good experience as well as a lot of time management and scheduling had to happen to make me more organized and busy rather than just sitting around and doing nothing all day. Choreographing the dance wasn't easy because you had to be creative and come up with the steps but It all ended up working out well which resulted in me feeling so accomplished and my family being proud of me.  

CAS Learning Outcome: Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences, Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively 




Garba is a famous Indian event in which people collaborate and do festive dances together. They are many religions and community in India and this was not an event from my community but from my friend's community. It's an event that occurs every year and I decided to try it out and do something different in order to socialize more and learn more things about their culture. Overall, It was an extremely fun event as I learned numerous dances! It was really tough at first because almost everyone there had learned the dances and knows what occurs in the event since they were kids. Thus, for me it was really hard to catch up with the dances as you may feel like an outsider. However, in the end, I had a lot of fun and learned so many new things that I even want to go next year and wanna dance again!

CAS Learning Outcome: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively 





My dads friend worked at this dog adopting or buying place and needed an extra hand to help out al the dogs for a while. Thus, i volunteered to help out and go feed the dogs, help clean their pee or poop at times, and keep an eye out for the dogs. Because they were about 50 puppies to take care of, it wasn't so easy also because they were people walking in and out constantly to visit the dogs. I did this during february 2021 starting from the 17th to the end of the month. After this was completed, I was able to help save a dog and adopt it into my own home as a thankyou gift! 

CAS Learning Outcome:

- Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively,

- Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience. 




Singing at superstar academy for a years course starting around 2019 and ended around 2020. This was something that I loved to do because it was one of my favorite hobbies. My classes would be once a week every thursday and I personally always loved it so much. It was always a good time when I used to go and learn singing. 

CAS Learning Outcome:

- iDENTIfy own strengths and develop areas for growth 

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